L’articolo ci porta nuovamente a riflettere su un tema molto caro a chi è attento alla crescita dei piccoli, che è quello della lettura. L’insegnante madrelingua Fionnuala ci parla del chapter book, vale a dire la lettura narrativa di un romanzo o di una storia e dell’efficacia che non solo porta a consolidare competenze linguistiche ma anche arricchisce di saperi umanistici e valoriali. La lettura costa sì fatica ma regala grandi soddisfazioni.
In the words of Dr Seuss we must understand how valuable reading is for our students learning journey, both academically and personally. Reading is an important life skill and we are focused in developing this important skill in our Literacy programme, by doing so it has allowed children to access information in English in relation to any subject or topic. Improving reading skills benefits not only reading and understanding as an isolated idea but also strengthens and develops writing, spelling, vocabulary, speaking, listening and imaginations.
In SBS we have been using the Shared Reading and Guided Reading techniques in our literacy lessons so that teachers can model and support students in decoding, vocabulary, comprehension skills, and fluency strategies. Shared reading allows children the opportunity to successfully read and comprehend stories and texts that might be a little difficult to read and understand alone.
In our Year 4 and 5 programme we specifically utilize and develop these skills in our the chapter books Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Matilda. We have been advantageously using the chapter books to complete reading activities in comprehension, creatively reinventing ideas, developing predictive skills, writing book reviews, and developing our imagination through hot seating. During our shared reading moments in class we experience the book together, discover new vocabulary, utilize and develop our reading skills, understand the main ideas, themes and emotions of the text and most importantly learn to read for pleasure and FUN.