Newsletter della scuola e dell'educazione

434. PRIMARIA SBS.Year 5 Students Begin Their Exciting Cambridge Journey

434. PRIMARIA SBS.Year 5 Students Begin Their Exciting Cambridge Journey

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Iniziare un percorso che combina apprendimento e divertimento è un’esperienza unica per i nostri studenti di quinta elementare, che a ottobre hanno intrapreso i corsi Cambridge dopo scuola. Questi corsi non solo preparano al primo esame Cambridge, ma permettono anche ai ragazzi di mettere in pratica ciò che imparano in classe attraverso attività coinvolgenti e interattive. Scopri come questo programma aiuta gli studenti a sviluppare fiducia, abilità comunicative e una vera passione per l’inglese!

In October, year 5 students began their after-school Cambridge courses. During these courses, students prepare for their first Cambridge exam. It’s an exciting opportunity that allows students to see the results of their hard work in English class. The lessons are taught using the ‘communicative’ approach with plenty of opportunity for interaction and speaking practice. The scope of the Cambridge exams is for children to develop their key communication skills. They do this by training the four skills of speaking, listening reading and writing, as well as practicing useful grammar structures and developing their vocabulary. A key priority of the Cambridge exams is to ‘make progressing in English fun’ and the program is full of enjoyable tasks such as coloring, finding differences in pictures, matching and pair-work.

Students have been incredibly enthusiastic about the start of the course. ‘The activities are so fun,’ explained one student. ‘I like the speaking part. The spot-the-difference exercise is so good!’ Although some students have mentioned that they feel a little nervous about the exam, they are happy that the examiners come to their school, and they can sit the exam with their classmates. Year 5 were also happy to attend the certification ceremony and see students from the middle school receive their certificates. The middle school students had the opportunity to wish year 5 good luck and offer them some advice for their learning journey. ‘They were very proud,’ said one year-five student, ‘I’m excited to get my certificate now!’

Congratulations to all the middle-school students who received their certificates and good luck to this year’s fifth graders! Keep up the hard work and enthusiasm!

They celebrate what each child can do: every child receives a certificate to recognise their individual achievement.

They grow their confidence for future exams: taking exams as young learners helps children become familiar and comfortable with the experience.


Ms Chloe Ellen Pink, Literacy teacher


23 Novembre 2024


Bilingual school

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