Newsletter della scuola e dell'educazione

232. PRIMARIA SBS. Project ‘Show and Tell’ in 2^D

232. PRIMARIA SBS. Project ‘Show and Tell’ in 2^D

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In questo articolo l’insegnante madrelingua Ms Jamilah ci parla dell’efficacia pedagogica di un metodo per sviluppare al meglio l’abilità di speaking in inglese in una classe seconda


Aims: The aim of this project is to develop the children’s oral communication skills in English. Show and tell gives them an opportunity to speak about something that they are familiar with while building their confidence talking about something that they are interested. It could be a toy, a photo or anything that they would like to talk about.

What are the benefits?

Show and Tell gives the children a sense of pride and boosts their self-esteem. They will become more comfortable contributing in class discussions and asking questions. It will also allow them to form an opinion and express their ideas and feelings. Furthermore, It encourages use of language and develops their ability to re-tell stories – in turn leading to improved communication skills which are important throughout their lives.

First session

I noticed immense positive attitude from the children and this was very encouraging. They welcomed the task with excitement and were interested in showing their toy to their peers and told them about it. This indirectly demonstrated the children’s confidence in front of the class. Therefore, I believe that the first session was a success for all of us.

This isn’t something that all children feel comfortable doing but given enough time and opportunities, they will not shy away from thinking outside of the box.


Ms Jamilah Nassozi e i bambini della classe 2^D


22 Aprile 2023


Bilingual school

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