Newsletter della scuola e dell'educazione

177. INFANZIA SBS. Words are all around us

177. INFANZIA SBS. Words are all around us

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L’articolo ci parla di quanto sia importante ed entusiasmante per i bambini della Scuola dell’Infanzia SBS imparare più parole possibili per conoscere al meglio il mondo che li circonda

Words are all around us, the more we know, the more we can understand. Expanding a child’s vocabulary provides them with unlimited access to new information and knowledge.

This year the SBS classes at the kindergarten are focusing on a new project “A World of Words” to introduce specific vocabulary to the children. This serves as part of the essential curriculum and is introduced using a variety of different sensory activities.

The specific topics are focused on the continuity into later years at Sacra.

A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication - listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning the English words for what is around them allows the children to construct and share their own thoughts from their own experiences.

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way” - Frank Smith


Ms Jenny Paul, SBS Teacher


14 Gennaio 2023


Bilingual school

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